A climate action evanston program

Demonstration Food Forest

The Edible Evanston Eggleston Park Food Forest demonstrates how utilizing permaculture principles to grow perennial crops can efficiently and effectively sequester carbon in soil and trees, while simultaneously feeding people.

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Most recent version posted on:
August 14, 2023

Edible Evanston maintains a demonstration Food Forest and Orchard with a diverse planting of perennial edible trees, shrubs, and small plants, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms and herbs. The multi-layered Food Forest is designed to mimic the natural balance of a forest by utilizing permaculture principles as a demonstration of how residents can grow their own healthy food and how individuals can foster biodiversity and grow a variety of food sources at the same time. These diverse locally produced foods include fruits and other foods with higher levels of antioxidants and high nutrient density which improve the health of vulnerable populations. We use and teach techniques to enhance soil-health, which increases carbon storage in the soil.


You're Needed! Here Are Some Involvement Opportunities

Tour Our Food Forest

Watch for tours of the Food Forest in 2023 in the events list above. In the meantime, you are always welcome to visit on your own.

Take a New Gardener Class

New Gardener education classes will be rolled out throughout the year and class registration for each session will be open to all. They will be included in our above Upcoming Events list!

We have both planning and execution roles for all four of our initiatives: our demonstration food forest, produce sharing program, citywide education, and raised bed gardening.

Support our program by donating to Climate Action Evanston and earmarking your donation to support the Edible Evanston Program. And if you wish you can further earmark your donation to one of our initiatives.