A climate action evanston program

Some Key Climate Actions YOU Can Take

Make better food purchasing choices

Become more aware of where your food comes from and how it was grown. Buy local/regional food. Read the labels. Bring your own bags to grocery (and other) stores.
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Grow your own produce

Create a backyard or patio garden. Join a community garden. Volunteer at local “farm” sites.
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Share food with others

Support local food pantries and outreach programs. Support local food growing initiatives
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Eat all of it! Waste not!

Plan meals better. Minimize food scraps that wind up in a landfill. Use a garbage disposal. Consider “Tag-along” Evanston recycling program. Create your own compost.
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Encourage others to take similar actions

(Especially schools and food businesses.) Keep the pressure on! Support local co-ops and food production activities.
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What WE Are Doing to Accelerate Climate Action in Evanston

Demonstration Food Forest

The Edible Evanston Eggleston Park Food Forest demonstrates how utilizing permaculture principles to grow perennial crops can efficiently and effectively sequester carbon in soil and trees, while simultaneously feeding people.
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Produce Sharing Program

Our Produce Sharing Program helps individual local growers get their excess fresh produce to people in need through Evanston food pantries. This effort improves resiliency by providing access to healthy food for economically vulnerable populations. Click "learn more" to watch the video.
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Citywide Education Programs

Edible Evanston teaches individuals about sustainable food growing techniques to allow more people to successfully grow their own healthy, local food. We also teach about the connection between growing food, a healthy planet, and human health.
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Raised Bed Gardening Program

Edible Evanston wants to spread to joy of growing your own food and eating a healthy diet, and we want gardeners to be successful.
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Our Calendar

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You're Needed! Here Are Some Involvement Opportunities

Tour Our Food Forest

Watch for tours of the Food Forest in 2023 in the events list above. In the meantime, you are always welcome to visit on your own.

Take a New Gardener Class

New Gardener education classes will be rolled out throughout the year and class registration for each session will be open to all. They will be included in our above Upcoming Events list!

We have both planning and execution roles for all four of our initiatives: our demonstration food forest, produce sharing program, citywide education, and raised bed gardening.

Support our program by donating to Climate Action Evanston and earmarking your donation to support the Edible Evanston Program. And if you wish you can further earmark your donation to one of our initiatives.