A climate action evanston program

Volunteer for Nature (Restorations in Evanston)

We encourage our members to volunteer for workdays in natural areas. We also advocate for and donate native plants to our community natural areas.

More info on Community Solar:

Most recent version posted on:
May 22, 2024
Buckthorn removal at Harbert-Payne

Where did Evanstonians go in the pandemic? Natural Areas.

They calm our nerves, cool our streets, clear our air and filter our stormwater.

Natural landscaping should be the default on city properties not needed for picnics, sports, playgrounds and such.  There are more and more of these natural areas in Evanston, managed by volunteer stewards who organize plantings, volunteers and more.  The city provides mulch, water, and must approve all plant selections, layouts, etc.

Natural Habitat Evanston advocates for more city natural areas, encourages volunteers and helps provide trees, shrubs and wildflowers.  

If you would like to help, please contact one of the stewards below, or email Habitat@ClimateActionEvanston.Org.

  • Canal Shores Golf Course - info@canalshores.org
  • Morton Civic Center Bird Garden - Doug Macdonald, flwrmac@hotmail.com
  • Clark Street Beach Bird Sanctuary- https://clarkstreetbeachbirdsanctuary.org/volunteer.
  • Eggleston Orchard Food Forest  foodforest@edibleevanston.org 
  • Harbert-Payne Park, harbert@naturalhabitatevanston.org
  • Ladd Arboretum, evanstonhabitat@gmail.com 
  • Lighthouse Beach - Charles Smith, friendofoaks@aol.com
  • Lovelace Park, Catie Lott, rewildingevanston@gmail.com
  • Perkins Woods (Forest Preserve of Cook County) libbyhill@comcast.net
  • TwiggsPark - evanstonhabitat@gmail.com 
Deer in Harbert-Payne Woods
Deer in Harbert-Payne Woods @Leslie Shad
Skippers on Liatris at the Morton Civic Center Bird Habitat
Skippers on Liatris at the Morton Civic Center Bird Habitat @ Ryan Chew


Say No to the sale of public land for Waukegan Airport


ORGANIZATIONS: Please sign onto this letter by emailing NaturalHabitat@ClimateActionEvanston.Org with the organization name and city. Collectives, green groups of clubs and places of worship are all welcome to sign-on. You don't have to be a big organization to voice your opinion.

Read Sign-on LetterRead Sign-on Letter

Our Eco-Friendly Yard and Garden Landscaping flyer

Our short guide to get your garden buzzing with life — attracting butterflies, bees, fireflies and birds.

Access pdf file of flyerAccess pdf file of flyer

Our Natural Habitat Newsletter Signup

Sign up for the NHE Newsletter

NHE Newsletter SignupNHE Newsletter Signup

Gardening that Matters video presentation

Gardening that Matters. Get Started or Enhance your Native Garden.  March 2023 presentation to North Shore Senior Center's Tuesday Club. A simple way to take action for climate, community healthand biodiversity: Swap out your lawn for native plants.  Reconsidering theculture of lawns. Why it matters, steps to prioritize, how to get started, andhow to amplify the change. Leslie Shad of Natural Habitat Evanston presents.

See videoSee video

Chicago Audubon Society Plants for Birds

Chicago Audubon Society Plants for Birds

Chicago Audubon Society Plants for BirdsChicago Audubon Society Plants for Birds

Wildlife Values from Doug Tallamy, Univ of Delaware

Plants measured as host plants for US caterpillar species from Doug Tallamy, Univ of Delaware

Wildlife Values from Doug TallamyWildlife Values from Doug Tallamy

The Morton Arboretum: Benefits of Trees

From Saving you Money to the Air you Breathe: Tree Benefits

The Morton Arboretum Tree BenefitsThe Morton Arboretum Tree Benefits

Chicago Region Invasives

INVASIVE PLANTS OF THE CHICAGO REGION, An identification guide to 32 invasive or native aggressive plants most damaging to local ecosystems. Compiled by Robert Sullivan, Argonne National Laboratory (Retired) and Henrietta Saunders, University of Illinois Master Naturalist. 2022

See the FlyerSee the Flyer

You're Needed! Here Are Some Involvement Opportunities

Donating to Climate Action Evanston and earmarking your donation for Natural Habitat Evanston. You can further earmark your donation to one of our initiatives.

Take the Pollinator and Bird Pledge

take the pledgetake the pledge

Join our Pollinator Pledge and let the city and landscapers know we care about sustainable yards. Take an optional yard sign to spread the word.

Join the Natural Habitat Evanston Newsletter


Stay updated on green goings on in Evanston, workdays, advocacy issues and more.

Buffalo Grass Anyone?

Buffalo GrassBuffalo Grass

$25/bag to local residents (pickup; no shipping). We also have some $5 seed packets of bottlebrush and little bluestem grass. While supplies last. Emails should include your phone number and which species you are requesting. Pay by check payable to Citizens’ Greener Evanston at pickup.

Volunteer at plantings and invasive removals: parks and schools

Outdoor workdaysOutdoor workdays

Help at outdoor workdays

Join No Mow May

No Mow MayNo Mow May

Rethink how you Lawn

Sign on: Northwestern students Petition for Bird-Friendly Films at Mudd Library

Sign onSign on

Northwestern students Petition for Bird-Friendly Films at Mudd Library. Mudd Library accounts for over 14% of bird deaths and injuries on campus each year. Applying patterned window film to a portion of the building would dramatically reduce collisions that are fatal to birds.

More Ways to Volunteer: Spread the word

Email usEmail us

Share out brochures, doorhangers, or flyers. Collect a bunch of materials on the 5th Ward Tree Giveaway, Pollinator Pledge, Eco landscaping, Yard care, Light pollution, Leaf blowers are an eco-disaster, or Buffalo Grass.

Join our Facebook Group

NHE FB GroupNHE FB Group

Get updates and share your thoughts on our FB Group. You can also check out our FB page here https://www.facebook.com/NaturalHabitatEvanston

More yard signs: Mowing, Leaves, Leafblowers?

2-Sided Yard Sign2-Sided Yard Sign

Just want to spread the word on certain steps? Mow Less-Leave Leaves (2-sided yard sign) or Leafblowers sign

Join the Isabella Woods Newsletter

Isabella Woods NewsletterIsabella Woods Newsletter

Get news the next time there is a threat to Isabella Woods. (Only sent when there is news.)

Certify with National Wildlife Federation

Certify now with NWFCertify now with NWF

Provide Food, Water, Shelter, Places to Raise Young and Sustainable Steps for wildlife. It helps Evanston maintain its NWF Community-wide Wildlife Habitat certification.
