A climate action evanston program
Plants native to Evanston
speaker series
Presented by Natural Habitat Evanston, Rotary International and evanston ecology center

Climate and Sustainability: the Challenge for Mosquito-Disease Control

August 13, 2024
6:30 pm
7:30 pm

About our topic

Climate change is widely expected to increase the range and distribution of mosquito and tick vectors of disease as well as the viruses they carry with serious implications for the future of public health. Against this backdrop, the catalogue of materials capable of controlling mosquitoes is rapidly dwindling due to overuse, resistance, and regulatory pressure.  The demand for ecological sustainability, the protection of endangered species, and conservation adds another layer of complexity to the challenge of protecting the public health from a rising tide of threats. The North Shore Mosquito Abatement District in Northfield, Illinois has been adapting the last 8 years to meet the present and future needs of our residents. By merging GIS digital technologies with mosquito-specific larval control, investing in key research, and collaborating with scientists in the Midwest region the NSMAD has created an effective, sustainable, and ecologically sound model for mosquito control that can meet the demands of the future.

About the speaker

Mark Clifton Ph.D. is the Executive Director of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement District in Northfield, Illinois. He also serves as the Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Chairperson for the American Mosquito Control Association. Prior to serving as the Executive Director, Mark worked as the Director of Research for the Collier Mosquito Control District in Naples, Florida. He has spent the last 15 years researching, writing and speaking about mosquitoes and mosquito-borne disease.

About Us

Natural Habitat Evanston, a program of Climate Action Evanston, is an all-volunteer community group of about 900 members, spreading the word on creating habitat for insects, birds, and other wildlife. We aim to change the culture of lawns: leaving your leaves is the simplest first step; the second step is adding a native shrub or tree to shrink your lawn. We show how to transition from turf with low-cost cardboard methods, which keystone native plants to choose for year-round forage, that insects chewing on leaves is a ‘win’ (rather than cause to reach for pesticide), how turning off unnecessary lights saves insect and birds (and human health), and how to make your windows bird-friendly (because if you are going to invite birds to your yard, let them visit safely). We plant a lot of native trees and shrubs, especially at schools and in the 5th Ward.

We encourage people to think outside the lawn with No Mow May. Our Pollinator Pledge is a central focus of all our outreach and education, and a great way to spread the word to your neighbors.

About the other sponsors of this event

Rotary wordmark and symbol
Rotary and the Rotary Staff Green Committee are proud to co-sponsor this event.
Rotary is a global network of 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Through our environment area of focus, we are committed to supporting activities that strengthen the conservation and protection of natural resources, advance ecological sustainability, and foster harmony between communities and the environment. We empower communities to access grants and other resources, embrace local solutions, and spur innovation in an effort to address the causes and reduce the effects of climate change and environmental degradation.
Evanston Ecology Center. Surrounded by the Ladd Arboretum, the Ecology Center is home to a nature classroom with live animal exhibits, nature-based educational programming, and a multi-purpose room for event rentals.
City of Evanston Parks & Rec symbol and logo
The Evanston Ecology Center strives to foster a greater appreciation, awareness and knowledge of the natural environment and our interdependence with it through educational programs and services.
Chicago Bird Alliance symbol and logo